Additional info: This steam turbine power station is still fully operational, well preserved and is offered as a complete unit. Item/type/Layout/ hard coal and natural gas fired power plant unit of 350 MWe - Gross capacity, with part-load facilities and all necessary auxiliary systems Typical use of this power plant is the generation of electricity And district heating at full and partial-load, with hard coal or natural gas. Power plant can be operated 100% with either fuel type Main fuel type - hard coal and / or natural gas the unit is designed to use both fuels for full operation electrical output - 350 MW, gross thermal output - designed to optionally extract steam for district or industry site heating a maximum heat capacity of 200 MWth Efficiency 42% gross efficiency
Flue gas filter technology (daily average)
- Fly ash filter ( < 10 mg / Nm3 dust )
- Desulphurization ( < 200 mg / Nm3 SO2)
- Denitrification ( < 150 mg / Nm3 NO, )
Grid connection - Step-up transformers are not included
Plant size - 50.000 m2 building area without coal storage yard
Year of commissioning / year of last retrofits
1986 - Commissioned /
2010 - Turbine and boiler retrofit
2010 - control system retrofit
Last full maintenance 2018
Major upgrades / events - most recent major overhauls / upgrades:
Generator 2006
Turbine 2010
Control system 2010
Boiler 2010
Condenser 2010
Coal mills 2014
Operating Figures
Max. Generation capacity - 350 MWe gross (at full load)
Min. generation capacity -
120 MW gross when using turbine-driven feed water pump
90 MW gross when using electric feed water pumps only
Cold start time hard coal:
460 min (to reach max. capacity)
180 min (to start grid synchronization)
Cold start time natural gas:
295 min (to reach max. capacity)
180 min (to start grid synchronization)
Fuel consumption at full load - 115 tlh hard coal (with best quality)
80,000 m3/h natural gas
Fuel consumption at min. load - 35 t/h hard coal (with best quality)
Fuel storage capacity - 2,000,000 million tons hard coal
(Note: oversized coal yard as strategic reserve; all equipment available for sale)
Type of cooling - river water
Amount of cooling water - Two pumps with 8 m3/s are installed; type Voith with 6 kV electric motors
Ash disposal requirement - Fly ash was collected with electric filters (7 stages in three lines with 50% redundancy); subsequently, the ash was sold to the building materials industry as a cement additive
Gypsum disposal requirement:
The whole waste water of the power block can be used to operate the desulfurization facility made by NIRO ATOMIZER (Denmark)
Gypsum as derived from desulphurization was sold to a mine operator, as a filler to stabilize an old lime
Technical Figures of Main Components
This power plant unit comprises a hard-coal or gas-fired boiler, a 350 MW steam turbine, a 380 MVA generator. the entire components of the water / steam cycle, the entire flue gas cleaning system as well as all coal yard and coal feeding equipment.
Coal handling amongst others
- conveyor belt system designed to mix seven different coal types (total belt lengths > 3 km)
- Railway delivery and transport to deliver - 10.000t a day by rail
Boiler - 1,018 t/h Benson boiler - type Sulzer with part load pumps with two Lungstr Om air preheaters with a high performance DE NOx filter system operated with ammonium gas to reduce NOx to less than 150 mg/m3 even if coal is used with more than 2.5% nitrogen content
- 4 coal mills with 32 coal and additional 32 gas burners for 4 burning levels type EVT
- full steam blower cleaning system type Clyde Bergemann
Steam turbine • 350 MW, lx HP, lx MP, 2x LP sections, type MAN
- with an existing preparation for decoupling more than 200 MW thermal power
Generator • 380 MVA hydrogen cooled (Siemens type licensed)